
Friday 11 November 2011

Life.... a difficult journey

Nothing in this world lures me
Fame, love, power,
All are nothing but just fate,
Those who have it are greedy for more

Always not to have, but the want to have
Happiness is jus like orgasm
Lasts only for few moments

I m afraid sometimes
Not to be normal
Not to feel sad when you’re supposed to
Not to feel excited... u have to be told to

I m not scared to look bad, untidy, or unorganised
i m afraid of  being looked upto...
Afraid that the glance may just halt outside of me
it would  not want to penetrate beneath....

Beneath what actually lies
what actually  me is described
Can be discovered with effort and time
Coz beauty can be deceiving...

This world gives me every reason to cry...
Not to end it all and die...
Makes me feel hurt... betrayed...
And then suddenly...
Gives you one reason....
One reason to breathe...

Likes it’s saying you out courtesy LIVE...
Then I laugh to myself and say
Let’s give life a chance...
Let’s see what it has to give...

Growing Up

Growing old and older everyday How quickly the time passes by Happiness was innocence Now it's too late to realise Some memories sti...